My Briefing

Hello Who-Ever-You-Are,

I'm Sierra, and welcome to the blog of blunt truth on the fashion industry and fashion in rare form. You might see me dabble in other subjects here and there just to keep you awake, but I like to stick to what I love & hate. I'll tell you now, this is a real blog for the fashionably challenged to the so-called "gurus of fashion." I live and breathe fashion on the day-to-day basis, so I know my stuff. I follow trends, follow my own beat, and drop designers. I'm a freelance writer looking for views. I'm just myself looking for a place to type out my thoughts. I love fashion. I believe in a budget, so don't expect to see me supporting a 3,000 dollar headband; I might gawk at the luxury and find a cheap copy. I hate to be partial, but Marc Jacobs will always have my heart. Any questions? I didn't think so. Prepare to be schooled.

December 30, 2010

Day 2: My First Love

I have not met him yet, which sucks royally, but that's the way love goes, I guess.

P.S: Sorry about taking a whole month to add another post. I'm being SO lazy with this blog; I've just been really caught up with Tumblr, the whole "less talking more blogging" thing is faster and more fun for me! I can get more of my thoughts out quicker! Let me stop rambling! Just check out my Tumblr, I'm One Fashion Crazed Bitch!

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