My Briefing

Hello Who-Ever-You-Are,

I'm Sierra, and welcome to the blog of blunt truth on the fashion industry and fashion in rare form. You might see me dabble in other subjects here and there just to keep you awake, but I like to stick to what I love & hate. I'll tell you now, this is a real blog for the fashionably challenged to the so-called "gurus of fashion." I live and breathe fashion on the day-to-day basis, so I know my stuff. I follow trends, follow my own beat, and drop designers. I'm a freelance writer looking for views. I'm just myself looking for a place to type out my thoughts. I love fashion. I believe in a budget, so don't expect to see me supporting a 3,000 dollar headband; I might gawk at the luxury and find a cheap copy. I hate to be partial, but Marc Jacobs will always have my heart. Any questions? I didn't think so. Prepare to be schooled.

September 9, 2010

I Want It All (Spoiled Brats...NOT ANONYMOUS!)

Well, my birthday is officially over! It was a great birthday! Now on to more important things--CLOTHES!

As I flipped through the pages of my Vogue, as I clicked through the many posts on other blogs, as I walked down the streets of Miami (one of the fashion capitols of the world), all I could think about is how I was going to get it, the clothes I mean. The shoes, the bags, the dresses, the blouses, the jewelry, it just goes on and on! All to die for! While I was on That GOOD GOOD Blog (http://thatgoodgoodblog.blogspot .com), I saw some great Missoni Converse! I need them! Ha, I don't think my parents can handle my severe shopping fetish! Clothes and fashion truly consume my mind! I wish everyday was MY birthday! I guess I can pretty much say, I WANT IT ALL!


September 6, 2010

Give Me 50!

Sargent Sierra has a top secret mission for you, but first, you must be ready for battle! So go grab your camouflage skinnys, chained up jackets, & sequin tops! Over and out!

Sequin Tunic Tube
Arden B

Cashmere Blend Sweater

Cotton Military Jacket

Camouflage Shorts
Forever21 Canada

Military Canvas Stiletto
Gianmarco Lorenzi

Suede & Leather Ankle Boots

Jolene Bootie
Jill Stuart


Billy Large Bag
Jerome Dreyfuss

Military Bag
Bed Stu

Spike & Crystal Ring

Wrap Bracelet

Military Dog Tags

How do you like THIS Fall trend maggots?

September 4, 2010

A Hard Transition

As I was rummaging through my closet with the idea of 90 degree weather in my head, it dawned on me...Fall weather dawned on me, smacked me in the face, and told me that short shorts and racerback tees just aren't going to work anymore! I glanced at my sweaters and jackets, shrugged, and then grabbed my sweatpants, deciding to stay home that day. I felt defeated. Summer is really over?

Yes, unfortunately, those hot, lazy summer days are over; the the worst part is knowing that it's just going to get colder! Thankfully, fashion has tricked mother nature with something called summer to fall transitional outfits! Yay! We can still wear shorts and gladiators for two more weeks! The trick is being able to not look like you're stuck in the past. Well, I must explain. You see, this isn't easily pulled off, because you can go from looking chic to looking like a reject who needs to put on a sweater before they catch a case of the sniffles...

I Love Shorts
Hmm, don't want to let go of those denim shorts? Okay, fine, go snatch a blazer out your closet, and while you're at it, get some tights or leggings if you dare Throw on some of the seasons hottest shoe trends like lace-up booties or clogs, and you are set. Please don't assume that a bikini top will be okay to wear under the blazer! A simple t-shirt will do just fine.


Floral is my Favorite

Okay, I enjoyed the floral trend just as much as you did. It intensified my girlishness! Floral speaks the language of being feminine, so I understand why some are holding on. Try out a simple muted floral dress, a denim jacket or vest, and throw on some suede knee high boots. So now you can still wear your cute floral dress but stand the windy days.

Listen to Leather

Leather is one of Fall's biggest trends; I personally try to avoid real leather; since, I'm such an animal lover, not to mention my guilty conscience! Anyways, Leather pretty much has been made into every article of clothing this season, from chokers to underwear; it's just in! Now depending on the temperature in your area, leather shorts might not be such a bad idea? A button down silk top, knit sweater, or once again, a tee and some booties or oxfords could really look fab with this leather trend!

So how do you feel about the transition? What trend are you going to sport? Leather and silk? Denim, camel, and floral? Or, are you just going to follow the beat of your own drum!? The choice is yours. Be chic!

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